St Mary's Catholic Primary School


What does your child learn at school each day?

We aim to provide an excellent, enjoyable curriculum which ‘promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils  and prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life’.

Within the curriculum, we use many opportunities to actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.  These experiences help to prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain. The fundamental British values are underpinned by our behaviour code:

  • Treat others as we would wish to be treated
  • Be polite
  • Look after things in school
  • Listen carefully
  • Do our best

Fundamental British values are also promoted via the democratic nature of the School Council, Woodland Warriors, Play Leaders, Eco Council and at assemblies.

As set out in the National Curriculum, the school provides a broad, balanced programme of studies. The children study core subjects of Religious Education,  English, Mathematics and Science, and foundation subjects Physical Education, History, Geography, Spanish (Modern Foreign Language), Design Technology, Music, Art and Design, PSHE and Computing. If you require more information about the curriculum we teach see the links below or consult the DfE website.

As a school we aim to use as much of the outdoor learning environment throughout our curriculum.  Staff and subject leaders will work tirelessly to incorporate the outdoor environment into all subjects. The classes will have regular visits to our outdoor learning environment which is new and will continue to develop as well as making the outdoors a normal part of their learning. We feel that this stimulus will help all the children grow and develop deeper knowledge of their learning as well as providing them with new skills. 

The Rural Environment

We are very fortunate that the school is situated in a beautiful, rural environment. We take advantage of this and enjoy learning opportunities in our local area whenever possible.

Personal, Social and Health Education

The children are given opportunities at various times to discuss issues of morality and health. These may involve drama, role-play, art or written work. Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) is given in accordance with Catholic teaching. Parents have the right to withdraw children from any lessons they feel are inappropriate.


St Mary's Curriculum Intent - Implementation