St Mary's Catholic Primary School


Our Vision

Our Mathematics approach teaches children how to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. It helps to fulfil a key aim of the school’s mission statement as we encourage children to learn, love and grow together in God’s light. At St Mary’s Primary School, we aim for all children to develop the fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills that they require to be successful in future life.

To equip children for the next stage in their educational journey, we aim to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop the fundamental skills and knowledge required to understand mathematics in the real world.

  • Are able to recall and apply their skills and knowledge to solve increasingly complex problems over time.

  • Are able to reason mathematically by making connections within their learning.

  • Develop the appropriate vocabulary required to be successful in mathematics.

Teaching and Curriculum

Our high quality teaching focuses on modelling, fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Children in our school enjoy Maths, they thrive in a positive learning environment and develop their resilience to solve increasingly complex problems. Maths skills are consistently embedded throughout the school day and Maths lessons and developed over time.

